The Shirley Hood Memorial Breast Cancer Relief Foundation recently presented a check for $5,000 to Beloit Cancer Center and Beloit Health System Foundation.  The funds were donated to assist all cancer patients during or post treatment. Their goal is to meet the needs cancer patients, regardless of the type of cancer they have. They hope to see the funds utilized, doing the most good and reaching as many patients as possible.

The Shirley Hood Memorial Breast Cancer Relief Foundation was founded by Shirley’s three daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Shirley Hood, a wife, mother of six and grandmother died at the age of 57.

Fundraising is done locally and all money stays in the community.

SUBMITTED PHOTO – The Clinton Topper. Pictured, from left – Sharon Cox, Director of Beloit Cancer Center; Carleen Hood-Haseman, Ann Hood-Love, Becky Hood, Taylor Becker, Breast Patient Navigator; and Lara Hermann, Executive Director of Beloit Health System Foundation.