Town Bank to Host Food Drive to Benefit Clinton Food Pantry
By Celeste Lightner-Greenwalt, FOR THE CLINTON TOPPER.
Helping the community is the goal of Town Bank and by doing so they will be hosting a food drive beginning Monday, Nov. 7 through Saturday, Nov. 12 at their Clinton branch, as well as all of their other branches. The food drive, benefitting Feeding America and partnering with Second Harvest Food Bank, which supplies Christ Lutheran Church, Clinton Food Pantry with food, will serve families in the Clinton area.
Clinton Food Pantry on average each month serves about 24 households and distributes about 1,000 pounds of food. Each household receives a nutritionally balanced selection of food equivalent to about five days worth of meals. The Clinton Food Pantry food sources are the USDA emergency food assistance program (TEFAP), purchased through Second Harvest Food Bank, and purchases from the local grocery store and local donations of food and money. Their regularly scheduled monthly food distribution is the third Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m., and has been manned by volunteers since 1983.
Clinton Food Pantry also provides emergency food assistance throughout the month, as requested.

Christ Lutheran Church, “the church on the hill,” is home to the Clinton Food Pantry. Town Bank Clinton is hosting a food drive to benefit the Clinton Food Pantry starting Monday, Nov. 7 through Saturday, Nov. 12. For information on the food drive, or for donations, contact the Christ Lutheran Church Clinton Food Pantry at (608) 676-4994.
Anyone needing assistance, or for donations of food, should call Christ Lutheran Church at 608-676-4994. If the office Secretary or Pastor is not available to answer the phone, an answering machine is available for leaving messages.