By Mary Ann Inman


CLINTON – Clinton Village President Connie Tracy called the village board meeting to order on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 7 p.m. Board Trustees present were: Ron Torkilson, Art Bushue, and Dennis Nielson, Jeanette Troha and Brian Jacobs. Dina Knibbs was absent. Treasurer/Clerk Pam Franseen was present.

DPW Roger Johnson, Police Chief Dave Hooker, Library Director Mary Bieber, and Library Board President Janet Haag and (7) Directors from Clinton Public Library Foundation were present.

Margaret Palubinski, Melanie Stevens, Dave Wagner of Elhers & Associates and representatives from Donahue Associates presented on various topics.

After routine the opening procedures, the Donahue Associates Representative summarized project expense overages starting with Pump Station #1. Project evaluation submitted on Jan. 28 was $194,350. Further review added $117, 300 to the project. It was decided that moving the station away from the Catholic Church was more efficient and avoided easement issues bringing the estimate up to $311,650. Overage is at $85,349 that is at 27.4% (within the 30% contingency).

Pump Station #2 was projected at $175,013 on January 28 and is now at $249,739. The overage is at $74,746 or plus 42.6%. The Representative said estimates for pumps were too low. Electrical controls vary greatly.

Trustee Jacobs questioned reconditioning options and suggested new bearings and an overhaul might have been less expensive. The Representative explained aged pumps were factors.

Well House # 3 and # 4 were never studied and total estimate are now at $463,624 and $551,799. Options were discussed for each Well House. No action was intended at this meeting.

Next Margaret Palubinski and Melanie Stevens co-presented for Clinton Public Library Foundation. Palubinski showed photo slides of problematic safety issues in Library Director Mary Bieber’s office used by (4) other staff as work space, break area, and programing storage. The crowded spaces extend to all areas.

There are no designated spaces large enough for adults, children, or teens. Active programs restrict quiet time needed to browse, study, research, tutor, and read in print or on computers.

Stevens thanked Trustee Art Bushue for inviting the foundation to present their business plan. She noted that since the foundation was incorporated 1 ½ years ago, generous donors have contributed about $30,000 toward library space needs and that the Foundation has promised to be good stewards of growing funds.

Melanie agreed that $30,000 doesn’t buy much but it will provide hope, enthusiasm, encouragement, and commitment for the whole community. Architectural drawings would be helpful. Other libraries in Rock County are building or renovating and Clinton library supporters are eagerly awaiting the village funded needs study results. She stressed it is our time.

Stevens noted a $1,782 grant had been recently approved by the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin to promote library services and space needs. The Major Gifts Committee was formed to develop a capital plan to seek major gifts from individuals and businesses. She re-stated the promise that the Foundation would be good stewards of growing funds.

Melanie concluded by talking about connecting with others in the community by planting seeds, tending the garden, and growing partnerships. She passed out symbolic seed packets and a detailed business plan handouts.

Committee reports were abbreviated due to the robust agenda. Roger Johnson noted the Public Works plans to auction more surplus items.

A letter making landlords responsible for delinquent water/sewer bills will be sent to affected parties by Clerk/Treasurer Franseen.

An official appointment of long-time consultant firm Batterman & Associates and completion of a probationary period for Police Chief Dave Hooker was proposed by President Tracy and both actions were approved by the board.

The budget/set tax levy was approved to carry over $7, 562 left from the tax levy forward to 2016.

The Board approved an alcohol and cigarette license for Tex’s Too and moved on to more complicated issues.

Clerk/Treasurer Pam Franseen and Citizen Donna Schutt went through records and called in Dave Wagner Senior Municipal Advisor of Ehlers & Associates for consultation. Wagner had an established a working relationship with the Village through 2010.

Wagner confirmed a four year systematic error created by an oversight of a change in reporting that allowed the levy to carry forward annually. That reporting oversight has created the need to alter the levy.

Brian Jacobs asked if auditors should have caught the error. Wagner stated auditors look for financial balance and are not concerned with reporting requirements. He stated other municipalities had made similar errors and are realizing consequences.

In response to finding the accumulated reporting errors President Tracy read a resolution to allow short-term loan borrowing at $139,700 from First National Bank. TIF monies will be used to pay back the loan. The motion to approve was the resolution was undisputed.

After approving checks, invoices and purchase orders the board went into closed session and reopened.

The resignation of Administrator Jennifer Sheiffer was accepted with administrative pay to be discontinued as of Dec. 15. She will not return during the interim.

The meeting adjourned.