By Dan Moeller, CORRESPONDENT Beginning immediately, the Brodhead library won’t require patrons to wear masks. Instead, library board members said last week that masks are “highly encouraged and much appreciated to protect children and others who are unable to be vaccinated.” Before the change, masks were required for anyone 5 […]
By Katelyn Black, Correspondent Orfordville’s June Days is back with another year of fun for kids, adults and food-lovers alike. The fun starts on Friday, June 18, with events including the Sons of the American Legion corn boil, ax-throwing and a softball tournament at Purdy Park. The fun continues Saturday […]
By Margaret Plevak, Correspondent Biking can be a relaxing, enjoyable activity for many, but for people with autism, who often need extra physical support to ride, finding the right bike isn’t always easy. Thanks to a grant from The Arc of Green County, which is the local chapter of a […]
The Brodhead senior prom court is all smiles. In the front row from the left are Nataley Bump, Kassy Berget, Jenna Ils, Madelynn McIntyre, Bailey Matthys and Hailey Elmer. In the back from left are Connor Green, CJ Kamholz, Christian Wilkins, Braden Cook, Devon Anderson and Grant Gretebeck.
Brodhead High School Junior prom was held outdoors on Saturday, May 1, at the high school. In the front row are paiges Aubrey Gulden and Dustin Moe. In the second row from left are Cora Hafen, Queen Kyleigh Raupp, Ellie Yates, Kiarra Moe, Jersey Medenwaldt and Madisyn Kail. In the […]
By Mary Hookham, Correspondent One couple’s love for the land combined with a local school district’s desire for high-quality learning options is creating a beautiful partnership. The Sunny Peace Prairie will provide tranquil nature experiences and educational adventures for Parkview School District students and the general public. “We had the […]
By Margaret Plevak, Correspondent Albrecht Elementary School has found a fundraising project that not only makes people feel good as they tackle spring cleaning, but does some good environmentally too. For the last several years, Albrecht has held textile drives, asking people to donate old and used clothing, and items […]
By Mary Hookham, Correspondent For gardeners, spring is the busiest time of the year. As air and soil temperatures begin to warm up and seed catalogs arrive in mailboxes, the experts are sharing tips to make the art of gardening more efficient and enjoyable. “Sometimes patience is the key to […]
By Mary Hookham, Correspondent Birding — the act of seeking out and observing as many bird species as possible —is gaining popularity as people have more time at home. The hobby provides many benefits in addition to presenting an enjoyable way to spend time in nature. “Birding, like many other […]
Alliant Energy officials are asking Orfordville residents to plan for a five-hour power outage when upgrade work takes place on Friday, March 19. Alliant crews will be modernizing equipment at the Orfordville substation, some of which dates to the 1970s, said Morgan Hawk, spokesman for Alliant Energy. “The community has […]