
Memories of Wonderful Teachers

I was driving by the old Clinton Middle School the other day and suddenly a flood of memories came back to my mind. They took me all the way back to my first day of teaching here in Clinton way back in the fall of 1990. Bob Jensen who was […]


Eating a healthy diet can help your heart stay healthy

By Chief John Rindfleish CLINTON FIRE CHIEF In a continuation from last week, we need to look at more factors to having a healthy heart. Eating a healthy diet can reduce your risk of heart disease. A diet rich in fruits, vege-tables and whole grains can help protect your heart. […]


Community starts conversation about facility needs

Community starts conversation about facility needs

By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER On Monday, Feb. 15, community leaders met to share ideas about growth and development in the areas of education, economy, housing, business, and agricultural. Those representing the School District included: Meeting Facilitator and Administrator Jim Brewer, Business Manager Dan McCrea, board members Ken Luety and […]


Held over vote in asphalt proposal results in a ‘no’ vote from Winnebago County ZBA

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Rockton residents packed the Winnebago Country Courthouse on Floor 8 on Tuesday evening, Jan.17 where a continuance on a proposed asphalt plant allowed the petitioner, Northern IL. Service Company to complete their presentation of witnesses. On Wednesday evening, Feb.8 the scene was similar only the room […]


Fairytales do come true: Officer makes it to daddy/daughter dance

Fairytales do come true: Officer makes it to daddy/daughter dance

By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER Deputy Luke DuCharme worked on Saturday, Feb. 4, as on duty law enforcement, assigned to keep the Janesville community, property, and protestors safe. The 500 plus protestors in downtown Janesville remained peaceful. Luke DuCharme said, “This afternoon, I broke my little girl’s heart. Something no […]


Clinton High School posts first semester Honor Roll

High Honors (3.8 and above) Seniors: Alyssa Duggan, Sara Hogan, Emilia Keric, Kallista Kuhlow, Jacob Lesch, Kelly Lou-don, Ellie Nimtz, Maggie Timp, Abigail Wiedmer, Joshua Wellnitz, Dylan Witte Juniors: Austin Beaumont, Abigail Buchanan, Rachel Burno, Brayden Cooper, Brice Enright, Abigail Garner, Sofi Gonstead, Clayton Hahn,Isabella Howard, Ysabel Imhoff, Hana Jacobs, […]


Search warrant uncovers methamphetamine operation

Search warrant uncovers methamphetamine operation

On Feb. 10, the Rock County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team and Special Investigations Unit with assistance from the Department of Criminal Investigation Clandestine Lab Team and the Janesville Police Department executed a search warrant at 6809 W. CTH A in Center Township. The law enforcement agencies were also assisted by […]


School Board reviews wide range of topics

By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER The Clinton Community District School Board met at the Clinton High School on Monday, Feb. 6, 6:30 p.m. Board Members present were: Gary Gilbank, Jill Gunderson, Ken Luety, Melissa Manthei, and Evelyn Propp. Tom Howard was absent. Dustin Esselman has resigned because he moved outside […]


Innovative Tweens & Teens of the library dream bigger

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter Tweens & Teens of Clinton Public Library share a common bond as the library encourages learning, friendship, fun, and community involvement. Clinton Public Library Foundation recognized the innovative group this month. Participating members are as follows: Izzy Bieber says belonging to the group allows him […]


Knights of Columbus announce Charity Raffle

The Wisconsin State Council Knights of Columbus Annual Charity Raffle is under way. Proceeds from this raffle are used for the charitable efforts of Knights both statewide and locally, providing grants for fire, medical, natural disaster and other financial hardship relief. Locally, in Beloit and Clinton, we use a portion […]