
Village Board accepts resignation, Administrator Jennifer Sheiffer

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter CLINTON – Clinton Village President Connie Tracy called the village board meeting to order on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 7 p.m. Board Trustees present were: Ron Torkilson, Art Bushue, and Dennis Nielson, Jeanette Troha and Brian Jacobs. Dina Knibbs was absent. Treasurer/Clerk Pam Franseen was […]


Foresters plan for clean up of Reffue Park ball field

Foresters plan for clean up of Reffue Park ball field

By Art Bushue Clinton Forestry Board CLINTON – Motivated by the Village Strategic Plan’s vision of providing “an attractive, ‘small town’” atmosphere for our citizens, in early 2014, the Park Board and village foresters jointly initiated a project to upgrade the Herb Reffue Park ball field by removing the long […]


Clinton firefighters battle blaze at trailer park

BRADFORD – On Oct. 19, at 2:45 p.m. the Clinton Fire Department responded to a structure fire at 9204 E Creek Road lot #1 in the Town of Bradford. This was the first residence located at the entrance of the trailer park. Dispatch advised Clinton units that the trailer was […]


School Board reviews English Language Learning, ELL program

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter CLINTON – The Clinton Community District School Board met at the Clinton High School on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 7 p.m. Board Members present were: Gary Gilbank, Jill Gunderson, Craig Ostrander, Dustin Esselman, Ken Luety and Evelyn Propp. Tom Howard was absent. Administrator Dr. Randy Refsland […]


Jefferson Prairie Church members tackle community projects

Jefferson Prairie Church members tackle community projects

POPLAR GROVE – Perhaps you noticed a lot of well-dressed folks in and around town on Sunday. If you stopped to talk to them, you would have found that the yellow t-shirts they wore were not just a fashion statement but also, and more important, a testament to the work […]


School of Eclectic Art gathers gift for library space needs

School of Eclectic Art gathers gift for library space needs

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter CLINTON – Twenty-five artists have their artwork on exhibit at the UW Conference Pyle Center, 702 Langdon St., Madison. Over 100 artworks can be viewed through Oct. 28. The artworks vary in styles that range from hyper-realism to abstraction and include acrylic, oil, watercolor, collage, […]


Rep. Loudenbeck receives Gathering Waters Policymaker of the Year Award

Rep. Loudenbeck receives Gathering Waters Policymaker of the Year Award

MADISON – Rep. Amy Loudenbeck (R-Clinton) was honored last week by Gathering Waters as one of their Policymakers of the Year. Rep. Loudenbeck, along with Assembly colleagues Rep. Joel Kitchens (R-Sturgeon Bay) and Rep. Todd Novak (R-Dodgeville), were selected for their work on the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program in the state […]


First Presbyterian Church welcomes new pastor, his family

First Presbyterian Church welcomes new pastor, his family

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter CLINTON – It is refreshing to have young neighbors living next door to my house on Church Street. The family that resides in the Presbyterian Church home includes Pastor Paul Kucera, his wife of nearly 10 years, Devon, and their two sons, Nicholas, 3, and […]


Clinton High School band participates in annual parade

Clinton High School band participates in annual parade

By Celeste Lightner-Greenwalt Reporter CLINTON – The Clinton High School marching band recently took a trip to Cashton, Wis. to perform in the Cashton 62nd annual Fall Festival. Band director Ben Brueggen took 80 students to Cashton, his hometown, to participate in the parade to give them an opportunity to […]


Friends of Carver-Roehl Park to host Fall Fest/Fun Fest

CLINTON – Friends of Carver-Roehl are making plans to hold their 13th annual “Fall Fest/Fun Fest” on Sunday, Oct. 4, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Carver-Roehl Park (located ½ mile north of Creek Road on Carvers Rock Road, between Clinton and Darien). Please mark your calendars now. The […]