
Clinton schools welcome new teachers

Clinton schools welcome new teachers

Courtesy photo Clinton schools welcome new teachers Front row, from left Heidi Enright (FACE), Kim Bindl (HS English), Judith Kazy-Garey (5th grade long-term sub), Calli Viken (2nd grade), Heidi Simms (CES Principal), Molly Sejbl (4th grade), Chanda Droske (ES Art), back row – Leslie Leith (MS Art), Dana Goodnow (MS […]


Fire Chief discusses the need for EMTs in the Clinton community

Fire Chief discusses the need for EMTs in the Clinton community

It’s a cold day in January and an elderly couple just finished shoveling six inches of wet heavy snow. Once inside the house, the husband sits down and says “I’m not feeling well, my chest hurts and I have numbness in my left arm” His wife knows he is having […]


New assisted living community to begin providing services in Clinton

New assisted living community to begin providing services in Clinton

CLINTON – Willowick Senior Living is launching a new assisted living community in Rock County. Willowick Assisted Living will open Dec. 15 at 306 Ogden Ave. in Clinton, Wis. The community will provide comprehensive assisted living care and services to seniors.   Willowick Assisted Living is currently taking applications for admissions […]


Relay for Life of Clinton Superheroes fight cancer

Relay for Life of Clinton Superheroes fight cancer

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter CLINTON – Want a reality check? Take a few minutes to listen to Frank Crivello, Gavin North, and Jakob Nielson talk about how cancer changed their lives. The three cancer survivors share a common bond. Each relies heavily on support from their family, friends and […]


School Board discussed budget, fair teacher compensation

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter CLINTON – The Clinton Community District School Board met at the Clinton High School on Tuesday, June 2, 7 p.m. Board Members present were: Dustin Esselman, Gary Gilbank, Jill Gunderson, Tom Howard, Ken Luety, Craig Ostrander, and Evelyn Propp. Administrator Dr. Randy Refsland and Business […]


Ballmer, Waite receive FFA degrees at state convention

Ballmer, Waite receive FFA degrees at state convention

MADISON – Ciera Ballmer and Casey Waite of the Clinton FFA Chapter received the Wisconsin FFA Degree at the 86th State FFA Convention at the Alliant Energy Center of Dane County – Exhibition Hall in Madison, June 17. The Wisconsin FFA Association conferred the State FFA Degree to 300 members. […]


Village Board approves expenses for National Night Out

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter CLINTON – Clinton Village President, Connie Tracy called the meeting to order on Tuesday, June 16, at 7 p.m. Board Trustees present were: Ron Torkilson, Art Bushue, Jeanette Troha, Brian Jacobs, and Dina Knibbs. Dennis Nielson was absent. Treasurer/Clerk Pam Franseen and Administrator, Jennifer Sheiffer […]


ASHTON MCFALL The meaning of Memorial Day for one CHS student

ASHTON MCFALL  The meaning of Memorial Day for one CHS student

Each year a Memorial Day program is held in the gym of the Clinton High School following the annual Memorial Day parade. Each year a special person is asked to give the address to the audience. For the past three years, a high school student has been invited to speak. […]


Mosaic Dreams made possible by Azura Memory Care

Mosaic Dreams made possible by Azura Memory Care

By Celeste Lightner-Greenwalt Clinton Topper CLINTON – Even those with memory issues have dreams. Dreams of long ago wishes, a cherished childhood aspiration, or ambition. That is the goal of “Mosaic Dreams” by Azura Memory Care. One such dream became a reality for Clinton Azura Memory Care resident Joan Phillips. […]


Administrator shares middle school news

Administrator shares middle school news

By Ben Simmons Clinton Middle School Principal  CLINTON – On the morning of Monday, May 11, the Clinton Middle School 6th Grade embarked on the annual Sixth Grade Camp experience to Camp Upham Woods. I may be mistaken, but I believe this was the 56th year that the Clinton Middle […]