The Clinton Topper

4/21/16 Clinton Classifieds

4/21/16 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


4/15/16 Clinton Classified

4/15/16 Clinton Classified

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


Boxcars breakfasts brings motivational speakers to teens

Boxcars breakfasts brings motivational speakers to teens

CLINTON – Every Tuesday morning, Tim and Randi Pogorelski, owners of Boxcars Pub and Grub on Allen Street in Clinton, host a free breakfast for middle and high school students. The breakfasts also feature different motivational speakers each week who address life issues faced by youth today. Speakers have included […]


Clinton Public Library Foundation received Rock County Agricultural Grant

Clinton Public Library Foundation received Rock County Agricultural Grant

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter CLINTON – The Clinton Public Library Foundation Inc announced that it has received a grant from the Rock County Agricutural, a component of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin Inc to support the raised bed garden for the library. The garden will be laid out […]


4/7/16 Clinton Classifieds

4/7/16 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


3/30/16 Clinton Classifieds

3/30/16 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


Clinton community raises $20,000 for VetsRoll

Clinton community raises $20,000 for VetsRoll

By Celeste Lightner-Greenwalt For The Topper CLINTON – On Saturday, March 19, the Clinton community came together for a very special cause, VetsRoll, sponsored by Boxcars Pub and Grub. This was the fifth year that Boxcars has sponsored such an event, and raised $7,000 more than the previous year, raising […]


Clinton Foresters seek original poem for Arbor Day

CLINTON — Clinton’s forestry officials invite area individuals with poetic inclination to create an original poem expressing the virtues of trees. Entries will be judged and its author at Clinton’s Arbor Day ceremony will present the winning poem on Saturday, April 30. Students and adults are urged to participate. To […]


Students compete in Clinton Middle School spelling bee

Students compete in Clinton Middle School spelling bee

CLINTON – Each year Clinton Middle School hosts a spelling bee for students in grades five through eight. Participants are selected by grade levels in classroom rounds. Each classroom does three rounds, and the top five performers from each round receive points. The two students with the most accumulated points […]


3/23/16 Clinton Classifieds

3/23/16 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.